Murphy Door

Murphy Door creates America’s #1 recommend hidden door storage solutions.

Murphy Door was hooked on discounting. To promote their high-ticket products, their team had created a sales calendar jam-packed with promotions. This strategy was cutting into profit margins but the team could not find a way to wean their customers off promotions without losing revenue.

Case study client products

+$800,000 in email revenue

in Just 90 Days.


90 Day "Done For You" Flow Accelerator with continued service


FlowCandy worked with Murphy Door to design a complete automated email and SMS funnel tailored to their customer journey. Over three months FC increased the number of emails sent by 178% and the results speak for themselves.


Murphy Door was hooked on discounting. To promote their high-ticket products, their team had created a sales calendar jam-packed with promotions. This strategy was cutting into profit margins but the team could not find a way to wean their customers off promotions without losing revenue.


Together, FlowCandy and Murphy Door established a goal to design and implement a complete automated flow system tailored to their customer journey using email and SMS. We wanted to reach more customers and earn more revenue without offering further promotional discounts.


FlowCandy’s strategy team saw an opportunity in the data. Just one email automation contributed a whopping 9% of Murphy Door’s monthly revenue. FlowCandy worked with Murphy Door over three months to increase the number of emails sent by 178% - the results speak for themselves.


59% Increase in conversion rate for email traffic.

5% Increase in both conversion rate and average order value.

48% Decrease in unsubscribe rate.

"My favorite part about working with FlowCandy was seeing how much you can increase revenue without spending much money."


Spencer Bowen

VP of Sales and Marketing at Murphy Door

Level Up

Murphy Door went from a Level 3 to a Level 4. We successfully increased customer revenue without increasing promotional offers and set them up for success moving forward.

Four Levels
8 Foundational Flows

Journey Map

Murphy Door now has a custom journey map, which uncovers exactly where future opportunities lie. Learn how to build your own journey map here.

Email Design System

Murphy Door has a custom Email Design System, a set of email design standards that creates reusable components with a consistent visual style to use throughout their retention marketing.

Email Design System